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Nakubyana Mungomba (Zambia)


Nakubyana Mungomba is a Manager at IDinsight, based in Lusaka, Zambia.

Prior to joining IDinsight, Nakubyana was a research fellow at a premier quasi-government think-tank in Zambia. There she was responsible for leading and coordinating macroeconomics research and policy analysis. Beyond evidence-based policy analysis and research, Nakubyana also has experience working in international development and project fund management. Over the span of her career, Nakubyana has worked in North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia-Pacific regions, at various institutions including multilateral organisations, as well as government ministries and institutions.

Nakubyana is a former Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Fellow (2014-2016) and holds a Master of Economics degree from the University of Western Australia.