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Quick turnaround surveys

Rapid surveys using distributed data collection

15 April 2021
IDinsight recruits, trains, and supervises survey data collectors to conduct rapid telephone or in-person surveys.

Why quick turnaround surveys?

Timely data about living conditions, behaviors, and opinions can be valuable for policy and programmatic decisions. For example, during the COVID pandemic, just-in-time surveys provided governments with action-oriented information about the extent of food insecurity, access to health services, knowledge of ways to prevent the spread of disease, and opinions about the safety of vaccines.

IDinsight has years of experience fielding household surveys in countries in Asia and Africa, and has well-developed systems to recruit, train, and supervise data collectors. Recently, in light of COVID-related risks, we have developed additional capabilities to conduct telephone surveys and to protect individuals during in-person data collection. While we do not currently offer stand-alone data collection services beyond India, our ability to quickly mobilize surveys adds value to all our program design and evaluation engagements.

In India, the Data on Demand initiative has trained approximately 1,000 survey data collectors and will continue to expand throughout 2021. With this capacity, which includes multiple survey frames and a sophisticated platform to aggregate data and perform automated quality checks, we can generate high-quality, representative survey data within days.

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