Andrew Fraker is a Co-Founder of IDinsight and formerly the organization’s Innovation Lead. He has overseen IDinsight engagements in governance, health, sanitation, education, and finance across Africa and Asia. Andrew launched IDinsight’s innovation team with the mission of developing innovative tools and services to help clients increase their social impact. The team is currently focused on five workstreams: 1) Data on Demand: making large-scale survey data collection radically faster and cheaper, 2) machine learning, 3) monitoring systems, 4) results-based financing, and 5) the IDinsight toolkit. Prior to IDinsight, Andrew worked at the Jameel Poverty Action Lab in Udaipur, India and at MIT in the US. Before that he worked at the Center for Healthcare Financing at the Harvard School of Public Health. Andrew studied Economics at Princeton University as an undergraduate and received an MPA in International Development (MPA/ID) from the Harvard Kennedy School.