Essaid Azzouzi is a Director at IDinsight, based in Rabat, Morocco. He is an agricultural economist and Monitoring and Evaluation specialist. Before joining IDinsight, he was the deputy CEO of Millennium Challenge Account-Morocco (MCA-Morocco), a Moroccan public institution in charge of implementing a $460 million USD program funded by Millennium Challenge Corporation and covering the areas of education and training for employability and land productivity. Prior to joining MCA-Morocco, Essaid was ‘‘chargé de mission’’ at the Head of Government Office and a key member of the core team that designed this program. Previously, he was the M&E director for a nearly 700 million USD multi-pronged program covering various sectors: agriculture, artisan fishery, handicraft, functional literacy, vocational training, support to SMEs, and microfinance. While holding this position and as part of implementing an ambitious M&E plan, he managed two impact evaluations using the RCT approach for a project in the agricultural sector and a project that provided post-creation support to SMEs. He also managed numerous midterm and end-line performance evaluations. Essaid holds a Master’s degree in Sciences in Agribusiness from Purdue University, Indiana, USA, and is an Engineer in Agronomy with a major in Agricultural Economics at the Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinarian Sciences in Rabat, Morocco.