Hervé Berville has been a member of the French Parliament since 2017. He sits on the Foreign Affairs Committee and serves as a spokesperson for the party La République en Marche. In 2018, he authored a report for President Emmanuel Macron on the modernization of French foreign aid policy advocating for a reset of the relationships with Africa, Asia, and Latin America. This report also led to the creation of the Fund for Innovation in Development (FID). In 2021, he was designated rapporteur for the new Foreign Aid Programming Act resulting in a significant increase of the ODA budget. Prior to politics, Mr. Berville worked as an economist for the French Development Agency in Mozambique and as a program manager for the Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies in Kenya. He is a graduate of Sciences Po Lille and the London School of Economics. He is a recipient of the 2019 One Young World Politician of the Year Award and was named among the Forbes 2018 list of 30 Under 30 in law and policy.