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This Q+A with IDinsight’s Data Science co-lead, Sid Ravinutala, shares how his team is using data science to help decision-makers improve policies.
10 April 2021
Ruth Levine's keynote speech “The Promise and Pitfalls of Co-creation” for the Evidence and Implementation Summit in March 2021.
9 April 2021
Ivy Migue shares what drew her to the social development space and talks to us about her journey at IDinsight.
1 April 2021
Monitoring how women, leaders of self-help groups, trainers, and government officials experience SWAYAM’s program activities.
31 March 2021
This data visualization illustrates the impact of COVID-19 in rural India from May through September 2020.
23 March 2021
New director will expand IDinsight’s work in East Africa to bring data and evidence to leaders in the region.
How (and why) we use GitHub Actions to help us deploy new surveys even faster.
The Pandemic Response Initiative (PRI) is a partnership between IDinsight and the Institute for Global Health Sciences at the University of .
New leader will expand IDinsight’s influence in India to amplify its social impact.
16 March 2021
On International Women’s Day, IDinsight CEO Ruth Levine reflects on the multiple ways we must disrupt gendered behavior and structural bias.
8 March 2021