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We work together with the government of India to inform COVID-19 response efforts.
25 May 2021
We conducted a total of 114 semi-structured qualitative interviews (54 in Rajasthan and 60 in Jharkhand) with supply and demand-side actors.
24 May 2021
Monitoring how women, leaders of self-help groups, trainers, and government officials experience SWAYAM’s program activities.
31 March 2021
This data visualization illustrates the impact of COVID-19 in rural India from May through September 2020.
23 March 2021
IDinsight’s new interactive dashboard visualizes phone survey data collected in May, July, and September 2020 across six Indian states.
26 January 2021
This policy brief shares recommendations on steps government agencies can take to support FPCs in agricultural markets.
10 November 2020
This brief describes the challenges faced by female migrant workers using digital payment applications how training affected their usage.
20 September 2020
This policy note provides guidance on using data to track progress on nutrition interventions, immediate and underlying determinants, and outcomes.
30 May 2020
25 October 2019
This paper presents the results of a qualitative, diagnostic study of the Government of India’s Soil Health Card (SHC) scheme.
16 July 2019