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IDinsight’s new interactive dashboard visualizes phone survey data collected in May, July, and September 2020 across six Indian states.
26 January 2021
As policymakers look to optimize the agricultural sector, they will need synthesized data to inform their policies.
15 January 2021
This policy brief shares recommendations on steps government agencies can take to support FPCs in agricultural markets.
10 November 2020
भारत के गाँवों में खुले में शौच और मल फेंकने की समस्या। इसी विषय को लेकर अध्ययन का परिणाम व् हमारी सिफ़ारिशें
28 January 2020
We looked into why untreated fecal waste is dumped in open fields in rural India and came up with some recommendations for policymakers.
18 December 2019
This paper studies the impact of the Human Development Fund (HDF) program, a bundled livelihood package for poor, rural households.
30 November 2019
1 October 2019
This post explores how IDinsight addressed the tendency of program staff to want their most successful participants surveyed.
6 September 2019
This paper presents the results of a qualitative, diagnostic study of the Government of India’s Soil Health Card (SHC) scheme.
16 July 2019
15 July 2019