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Social insights, driving change

DataDelta is IDinsight’s large-scale survey offering that produces high-quality, timely, representative, and decision-relevant data for the social sector.

DetaDelta is driven by local, expertly trained enumerator teams, innovative sampling approaches, cutting-edge survey management software, and cost-effective data quality assurance. 

DataDelta centers the voices and experiences of vulnerable groups in program and policy decisions designed to improve their lives. In 2023, DataDelta surveys represented nearly 300 million people across Kenya, the Philippines, and India. By 2027, DataDelta aims to represent over 2 billion people across Africa and Asia.

We are working with government partners, philanthropies, NGOs, and multilateral organizations to deploy DataDelta in Africa and Asia and across sectors to improve programs and outcomes with decision-relevant data, to strengthen health systems, advance gender equity,  make AI more inclusive, and improve the quality of data that partners themselves collect and use.

DataDelta in Action



Use case: Data for rapid decision-making at scale

In 2020, the team conducted seven rapid phone survey rounds during the first wave of COVID-19 to inform the Government of India’s COVID-19 response strategy. The time from request to results delivery for the first round was just 13 days, representing 80 million of India’s poorest residents. Now, the DataDelta India team is focused on multiple large-scale surveys. Working with a state government in southern India, the DataDelta team is collecting data from ~ 60,000 households on maternal health, child nutrition, and education indicators to inform resource allocation and geographical prioritization, and other government priorities. It is one of the largest state-level panel surveys in India.

Use case: Improving the quality of administrative data

As part of the Aspirational Districts Program in India, the team is using DataDelta surveys and tools to diagnose and address gaps in data quality in administrative data in the health, nutrition, and education sectors in 45 districts. By improving their own data quality, districts will be more invested in and able to use the data to track progress on key social indicators and to inform changes to social programs.

In the Philippines, the Department of Health has asked IDinsight to conduct capacity building for data use in several local government units. This will include raising awareness about the value of data for decision-making and impact in social service programs, setting standards for technical rigor and data quality, and considering resource requirements for ongoing data collection and use. In these ways, DataDelta aims to help institutionalize the use of high-quality, representative data in public sector decision-making.

Innovations and growth

Support from Co-Impact allows IDinsight to invest in the expansion of DataDelta in Africa, Southeast Asia and across India, and is also enabling continued technical innovations that allow DataDelta to optimize across cost, speed, and quality, and to foster sustained data use by public sector partners. Co-Impact’s support also enables IDinsight to integrate a gender and intersectionality lens across the project cycle to ensure that data collection and use within government and non-government partners help reveal and address inequities.

Read more about DataDelta in our news announcement.

Read our Q+A with Sarah Lucas, Global Lead – DataDelta here.

Read more about our quick-turnaround surveys here.