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IDinsight worked with the government of Delhi to transform its COVID-19 response.
21 April 2021
The Pandemic Response Initiative (PRI) is a partnership between IDinsight and the Institute for Global Health Sciences at the University of .
23 March 2021
This data visualization illustrates the impact of COVID-19 in rural India from May through September 2020.
This report presents the findings of a three-round survey of Indian rural households on the impact of COVID-19.
2 February 2021
This report shares insights in the impact of cash transfers on health and household welfare outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda.
27 December 2020
A clustered RCT shows that the New Incentives — All Babies Are Equal Initiative’s conditional cash transfer program increased immunization.
13 November 2020
Measuring the impact of the New Incentives – All Babies Are Equal Initiative on coverage for routine childhood vaccines in North West Nigeria.
12 November 2020
3 September 2020
This policy note provides guidance on using data to track progress on nutrition interventions, immediate and underlying determinants, and outcomes.
30 May 2020
28 May 2020