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Capacity building bolsters clients’ skills and knowledge to strategically use evidence and data to meet their goals.
1 June 2021
A new helpdesk developed by 3ie and IDinsight provides West African policymakers with evidence to inform their policies.
26 May 2021
Identifying behavioral and operational barriers that prevent poor people from using formal financial services.
IDinsight works with the Indian government to improve health, education, and economic indicators.
25 May 2021
We work together with the government of India to inform COVID-19 response efforts.
We conducted a total of 114 semi-structured qualitative interviews (54 in Rajasthan and 60 in Jharkhand) with supply and demand-side actors.
24 May 2021
A “mystery shopper survey” can assess trainees’ skills on the job, providing insight to strengthen employment readiness programs.
21 May 2021
In this Q+A, IDinsight’s Marc Shotland, shares evidence on what makes distance learning programs successful.
20 May 2021
As part of a comprehensive learning partnership, IDinsight is helping Educate Girls to evaluate and maximize impact of the Development Impact Bond.
Together with Digital Green, we compiled evidence on the impact of their program on farmers and its institutionalization within the government.