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In this post, we’ll share challenges female surveyors, supervisors, and field managers have faced and their advice for mitigating risks.
26 March 2020
Instead of halting [cash transfer] programs the government should be distributing these (with no strings attached) to poor and populations.
24 March 2020
By Meg Battle and Aya Silva
15 March 2020
Three steps informing our response.
13 March 2020
Our deepest thanks to the field managers who shared their experiences for this piece. All names have been changed to maintain anonymity.
8 March 2020
Sindy Li, IDinsight Economist, shares the motivation for the Measuring People’s Preferences research and methodologies from existing literature.
3 March 2020
We share our experience designing a monitoring system to support the Philippine Department of Health in rolling out Universal Health Care.
20 February 2020
In this post, IDinsight attendees share takeaways from the ISI conference including findings on health, education, history and other economics topics.
18 February 2020
Neil Buddy Shah announces his departure from IDinsight.
6 February 2020